Christmas is coming up fast and you’ll already be thinking about making this years Christmas Dinner your best one yet. But maybe you’ve got competition? We’ve got a couple of recipes that will guarantee you get first billing on December 25th and everyone is talking about your food well into the next decade!
Let’s go!
Christmas Brussels Sprouts – For this simple recipe, all you need is 500g of trimmed and washed brussels sprouts, 150g bacon, 100g chestnuts. Boil the brussels sprouts in a large pan of water until tender; this should take about five minutes. While waiting for your brussels to get tender, cut a few strips of bacon into bits and fry them in a pan until they are crisp. Add a few chestnuts and cook them for about a minute. Add all three ingredients together and you have yourself some Christmas brussels!
Bread Sauce – For the second part of Today’s World Kitchen’s Christmas recipes, we present a bread sauce that goes great with Christmas poultry. You need 450ml milk, 1 onion (whole and peeled), 3 cloves, 2 bay leaves, black pepper, and 225g fresh, white bread crumbs. To begin, you press the cloves into the surface of the whole onion. Put the milk, onion, cloves, bay leaf, and pepper into a saucepan and gently heat them until they begin to boil, on a low to medium heat. Turn the heat off and cover, leaving to sit for 30 minutes. After waiting, strain the milk, stir in the breadcrumbs, and put back onto the heat for about five minutes, until the sauce thickens. Serve the sauce on top of chicken or turkey.
To finish cooking Christmas dinner and focus on desserts, there are plenty more Christmas recipes all over the web. Today’s World Kitchen, your exclusive online community for chefs, suggests you explore different flavors and options to feature on your table and in your restaurants this season.